Austin Colton

Fantasy author and Artist

New Book Available in Paperback and Digital

The Ballad of Sorrows

Complete Trilogy Available Now!

Read a free sample of each book online and pickup your paperback or eBook from Amazon today!

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Bane of the Ancient, the Epic of Khaeth book cover

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A Mask, A Soldier, and the Darkness That Binds Them.

In the heart of war-torn lands, a young soldier named Khaeth stands on the precipice of destiny. On the eve of battle, fate intervenes in the form of a mysterious mask that grants him the power to see through the shroud of darkness. With this newfound magical artifact, Khaeth decides he must use this power to stop the battle and save his friends.


Books in Progress

The Monster Cleanup Crew (Horror Novel)
Final Draft – 100%

Nightmare Eaters (Novel)
2nd Draft – 2%

Serpents of the Eclipse (New Series)
1st Draft – 100%

Secret Project (Novel)
1st Draft – 44%

About Austin

A jack of all trades, Austin compulsively takes on far too many projects at once. He has found this a good strategy for curing perpetual boredom and a head stuck in the clouds. Austin lives in Arizona where he writes, paints, and looks for new stories to enjoy.

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